3 Skin Cancer News You Need to Know

cyst on the skin being removed

Do you know that more than 5.4 million cases of non-melanoma skin cancer go through treatment annually in the U.S.? Survey also found that about one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. If you have a friend or a family member going through a skin cancer treatment in Salt Lake City, here are some of the skin cancer news you need to know.

Skin cancer rates are increasing among the ‘Sun, Sea And Sangria Generation’.

These are the people aged 55 and above. These people are the ones who often go to cruises in the Mediterranean. A new study found that the skin cancer rates among this demographic are increasing as they embrace retirement and seek the sun. According to report findings from the Cancer Research UK, the number of old people dying from skin cancer cases increased to 2,000 deaths annually.

Kiwis have the highest rate of invasive melanoma in the world.

In 2016, New Zealand officially surpassed Australia as the top country in the world with the highest rate of invasive melanoma cases. And the rates continue to increase and get worse. Since 2005, the invasive melanoma cases in Australia started to slow down, but the ones in New Zealand started to surge. According to melanoma experts in New Zealand, the increasing rates could be linked to the government’s lack of commitment to solving the issue in the past decade, including the non-prohibition of sunbeds.

Tanning devices linked to increased skin cancer cases in the US.

In a 2017 study, researchers found that indoor tanning devices are responsible for the increasing number of skin cancer cases in America. In 2015 alone, over 263,000 cases of skin cancer were linked to indoor tanning. And when it comes to skin cancer treatment, collectively, it costs the country about $343.1 million in medical costs.

Protect Yourself

Sadly, in the last 30 years, more and more Americans have skin cancer compared to other types of cancers. If you think you are at risk of skin cancer, see a specialist and get diagnosed so you can start treatment as early as possible.

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