4 Common Types of Eating Disorders

Woman admitting she has an eating disorder

Eating disorders are serious conditions that affect not just an individual’s physical health but also his or her psychological and emotional health. These illnesses involve complex emotions and behaviors toward food and weight issues.

For some people, for instance, the obsession to be thin and ditch fats from their body goes way beyond diet and exercise, so much so that they develop an eating disorder. Eating disorders, when not treated immediately, can have life-threatening consequences. If you know a family member or friend suffering from one, refer him or her to a diagnosis and treatment center such as EDCare for proper care and recovery.

Here are the four common types of eating disorders and their symptoms:

Anorexia Nervosa​

This is perhaps the most common type of eating disorder where patients try to keep their weight as low as possible. Any food intake makes them feel “fat,” so they try to eat as little as possible. They also induce vomiting after eating, take laxatives, or do extreme exercises to get rid of their fats.

Bulimia Nervosa​

Patients suffering from bulimia similarly vomit whatever they eat. The difference is that they binge eat first before purging themselves afterwards due to feelings of guilt and disgust over what they have just eaten.

Binge Eating Disorder​

Eating too much in one sitting, eating when full or not hungry, and eating beyond the body’s physical capacity are symptoms of binge eating disorder. Binge eaters eat a lot of food only to feel bad and disgusted with themselves afterwards. Usually, they do not purge themselves but they undergo sporadic and intense dieting instead.

Night Eating Syndrome​

Eating a lot during dinner or waking up in the middle of the night to eat a lot are the most common symptoms of this disorder. People affected by this condition do not eat most of their meals regularly throughout the day and prefers to eat everything at night.

If you or your loved one is suffering from any of these eating disorders, do not hesitate to ask for help. With the appropriate treatment, you will be on your way to recovery.

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