Avoiding Cancer of the Colon and Rectum: A Healthier Lifestyle

colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer happens due to a number of factors and conditions, including age, history of cancer in the family, inflammatory diseases of the bowels like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, and diverticulitis. The treatment is based on creating awareness about the disease whereby one is able to recognize its symptoms quickly and in undergoing screening tests like colonoscopy every few years for detection and subsequent treatment.

colorectal cancer

Early detection is the key

According to Ny Wong Surgery, this type of cancer is common to people in their 40s with improper diet and lifestyle. But once detected early, the chance of surviving the disease is above ninety per cent. The bad news, however, is that diagnosis happens in most patients at advanced stages, and treatment yields little or no results. Experts strongly opine that mortality from this cancer can drop to sixty per cent if the disease is diagnosed early. Therefore, doctors in Singapore are greatly encouraging the city’s population to go for regular screening tests for colorectal cancer.

Advice to patients

They encourage people to openly discuss their problems related to their bowels, which are often a source of embarrassment to many. They are advised to change their diet and lifestyles for disease prevention. Your diet should consist of low fats, fruits, vegetables, and high fiber foods. Refrain from eating processed or red meats. Fish should be the ideal protein for consumption because of the presence of omega D3 fatty acids that lowers the risk of this cancer. Smoking and alcohol consumption are absolute no-no’s.

Regular exercise is also strongly recommended. A half an hour of exercise daily would suffice. Obese people are at a higher risk and, therefore, maintaining your weight regularly is a must. Singapore-based oncologists are creating and conducting awareness programs for all Singaporean citizens above forty. Many hospitals are offering packages for detection and treatment at reasonable rates for the majority’s benefit.

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