Is Breast Augmentation Fit For You or Are You Fit For The Procedure?

breast augmentation

No matter which way you ask this question, the answer is the same. You must get an approval from a reliable doctor. Breast augmentation has become one of the most common procedures sought for by women from all over the world. This doesn’t come as a surprise. A larger bust size can help women boost their self-esteem, body image, and sexual satisfaction.

Even though effective breast augmentation surgeries require hospitalisation and an extensive recovery period, many women are still willing to undergo the procedure. While any woman may consider the procedure, not everyone is fit for it and vice-versa. According to Dr. Rizk, only a trustworthy doctor can determine if this procedure is right for you.

breast augmentation

A Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation

When you consult a doctor, he will take into consideration some factors before giving you the final verdict. Some of these points include the following:

– Your age. If you’re above 18 years, you’re eligible for saline implants. If you’re above 22 years, you can get a silicone gel implant.
– Your health. It’s important that your overall health is in a good condition.
– No bad habits such as smoking or drinking. These reduce a person’s healing capabilities. As breast augmentation is a surgical procedure, anything that hampers quick healing post-surgery increases the risk for surgical complications and retards quick recovery.

A Bad Candidate for Breast Augmentation

According to surgeons, some factors that make you unfit for a breast augmentation procedure include:

– Presence of any infections
– Predisposition to developing a hard capsule around the breast implant post-surgery
– Bleeding tendencies that increase risk for surgical complications
– Presence of breast cancer
– If you’re undergoing radiation treatment for breast cancer

The Final Verdict

After weeding out the bad factors from the good, the doctors will decide if breast augmentation is right for you. It’s the same for any other plastic surgery procedures, be it breast augmentation, rhinoplasty or abdominoplasty or tummy tuck.

Find an experienced plastic surgeon when planning for a cosmetic surgery. This will help you achieve the results you desire safely and smoothly.

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