Did You Know That Sweaty People Are Prone to Anxiety and Depression?


sweaty people in ChicagoSummers in Chicago are hot and humid, which means there’s no escape from sweating. A few minutes under the sun will cause bullets of perspiration on your forehead. While this is your body’s way of regulating temperature, it can go overdrive, causing you to perspire through your shirt even without much movement. Medical professionals call this condition hyperhidrosis.

And, as if excessive sweating wasn’t enough, studies also discovered that individuals with this condition are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression. If you suspect that you may be suffering from hyperhidrosis, consult a dermatologist near you, such as the Dermatologic Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery.

The Basics of Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a treatable medical condition wherein people sweat excessively, especially in areas like the armpits, hands, feet and groin. Yes, sweaty palms and cold feet may be signs of nervousness and quite embarrassing in a crowd. But be vigilant when you sweat more than usual, as there could be more to your condition than meets the eye.

There are two types of this condition, namely, focal and generalized hyperhidrosis. Focal hyperhidrosis refers to the excessive sweating of the hands, feet, armpits, and face for no reason, while the latter relates to the abnormal perspiration of the entire body.

Excessive Sweating and Mental Health

In the December issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, a study showed that those with hyperhidrosis were more prone to developing anxiety and depression than those who don’t. Study subjects included both people who suffer from the condition and those who do not. Findings revealed that 27 percent of individuals with hyperhidrosis went through fits of depression while 21 percent struggled with anxiety. Meanwhile, among those who did not suffer from the condition, only 9.7 percent had depression, and 7.5 percent experienced anxiety.

However, Dr. Dee Glaser, a Saint Louis University School of Medicine dermatology professor, noted that treating hyperhidrosis will not necessarily address the mental health issues. What this study brings to the table, though, is increased awareness for the dermatologists. Knowing the correlation of the conditions makes them more careful of what they prescribe or recommend to patients.

Sweating is normal when you’re feeling hot or nervous, or are overexerting yourself. What isn’t normal is when you sweat through your clothes without even doing anything. Consult a health professional if you think you’re suffering from hyperhidrosis and talk about the available treatment options.

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