Faster Healing: 5 Tips to Recover from Oral Surgery

a woman about to undergo oral surgery

Wisdom teeth should be renamed as nuisance teeth. Not only do they cause discomfort while coming out, they also cause discomfort almost after they are removed. The good thing is this discomfort does not last long if you know how to take care of it properly.

Getting an oral surgery in Salt Lake City for whatever reason requires a certain amount of time and care for better and faster recovery. While the time varies from one person to another, the method of doing so is somewhat similar. Here are the most common ways to do so.

Seek help

It might be a small part, but removing your wisdom tooth also requires anesthesia and has a certain impact on your body. Have someone accompany you after the procedure and learn to take it easy for the first few days.

Ice packs

Put an ice pack on your cheek for 30 minutes and let it rest for 15 minutes before putting the ice pack on again. This will help lessen the swelling and numb the affected area off the pain.

Do not brush

Brushing prevents cavities, but skipping the routine after surgery and can help it heal faster. Gargling with salt water solution every two hours (about 24 hours after the surgery) can help prevent it from getting infected.

Keep your head elevated

Sleep with your head elevated for at least three days. This will prevent the blood from pooling into your newly operated area and can help reduce swelling for faster recovery.


You will not be allowed to consume hot food for a number of days after the surgery, nor can you eat regularly. Sipping ice-cold coconut juice can help keep you hydrated and energized. You need the energy to heal and recover faster.

Recover faster and get back to your old routine in no time by keeping these tips in mind.

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