Implant-supported and implant-retained dentures in Richmond

Oral Health Care

Many patients who have been wearing conventional dentures for years, find that false teeth can become loose and wobbly over time causing them unnecessary pain and social embarrassment. The inability to eat and talk properly and continue their lives as they normally would, eventually degrades their quality of life. Luckily, dental implants can help without the need to spend a fortune.

Implant-retained dentures in Richmond help keep the dentures stable inside the mouth of the patient. These dentures, which can be fixed by specially trained dentists such as Sheen Dental Implants, are supported on 2 – 4 dental implants and put most of the force of a person’s bite on their gums. Fully supported implant dentures in Richmond, on the other hand, are designed to take the force of a person’s bite and direct it through the dental implants into the jawbone, just as natural teeth do.

Some things to consider

Patients who are looking to replace a considerable number of missing teeth with dental implants should understand that there are quite a few ways to support dentures in the jawbone. Implant-retained dentures require fewer dental implants and are placed at an angle into the jawbone for maximum security and retention. Implant-retained dentures are not attached to the jawbone and should be taken out during the night. Although they improve a patient’s biting and chewing force considerably, they still put pressure on the gums.

Implant-supported dentures in Richmond, on the other hand, require more implants and are designed to be fully incorporated in the jawbone. In effect, they ensure that patients have the most natural and efficient bite possible. By sending biting stimulation to the jawbone, they help prevent its deterioration and encourage its healthy regrowth. Moreover, implant-supported dentures are permanently attached to the jawbone.

Making the right choice

Both treatments have advantages and disadvantages and it comes down to an experienced dentist to help a patient choose the most suitable option. Patients who are considering dentures retained or supported by dental implants, should consider the quality and quantity of their jawbone. If their jawbone is seriously deteriorated, chances are that they cannot get implant-supported dentures in Richmond.

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