No More Missing Tooth: Basic Facts about Dental Implants

dental implant

The bone structure of the mouth is crucial to overall dental health. For every lost tooth, the amount of bone that previously surrounded the remaining root portion may suffer as well. This condition, called “Bone Resorption,” can be especially rapid during the first few months.

dental implant

Bone resorption is a process involving the breakdown of bone by specialized cells called osteoclasts. Although the amount and rate of this condition varies among people, it will always appear to some extent. To minimize its effects, it’s advisable to get implants right away. Look for a Beverly Hills clinic that offers dental implants and schedule a consultation.

What is a dental implant?

Implants are a titanium root that dentists place into the jawbone. It can support a bridge, a crown, or even secure a complete denture. It can also eliminate partial dentures and plates. Dental implants can last a lifetime compared to traditional dentures.

How long will it take to complete treatment?

It depends on the quality of the bone in which the implants are installed. The total treatment may last between six to nine months for additional procedures to augment the bone.

Is it painful?

Most people who undergo this procedure say that the discomfort felt is far less than expected. Pain tolerance varies from one person to another, but most patients simply take pain relievers afterwards.

Everyone wants an attractive smile. For missing teeth, call your trusted Beverly Hills clinic for dental implants and a renewed self-confidence.


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