New Dental Technologies for Improved Patient Experience

dentist chair with x-ray screen

Cosmetic dentistry has advanced considerably in the past few years. Elastic bands are slowly going away and making room for new technologies. With cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics practice in West Jordan constantly evolving, there are better choices for patients.

Shorter Treatment Time

The goal of new dental technologies is to shorten the treatment time, make it less painful, and have better results leading to improved patient experience. One of the most promising developments is the use of temporary anchorage devices (TAD). These are titanium mini screws that are already in use with oral surgery. A new use for these mini screws is an anchor to control teeth movement. Fitted into the jawbone, they reduce unwanted teeth movement. After the orthodontic treatment has finished, the titanium anchors are also removed.

Another new technology that’s quickly becoming mainstream is the use of clear and invisible braces. These straighten teeth without elastic bands and only use clear ceramic braces that are almost invisible. The patient feels less pain and discomfort than with the use of traditional braces.

3D Imaging and Customized Smile Design Systems

Traditional X-rays show a fuzzy picture of the teeth and gums. 3D imaging, with the use of cone beam CT (CBCT) scanners, provides a 3D image of the patient’s mouth, jawbone, oral bone structure, and skull. The resulting image can be viewed from any angle, enabling the dentist to see all potential problems and leading to an improved diagnosis.

Additionally, it also enables customized smile design systems. With a 3D planning software, a custom smile could be created and used as a guide for the braces.

New technologies are being applied in all areas of medicine. Dental technology has made orthodontics more focused with custom treatments. These new technologies allow for faster treatment, which is less painful and more convenient at the same time.

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