Say goodbye to dental pain by visiting an emergency dentist in Southgate

Oral Health Care

While no one wants to be in a position where they need to see an emergency dentist, accidents happen. Some dental emergencies may not require immediate medical attention; others cannot wait. Since it can be difficult to know exactly what to do when a dental emergency occurs, having an advance plan is the best course of action.

Visiting an emergency dentist in Southgate, such as those at Adams Dental, can mean the difference between saving and losing a tooth. An emergency dentist can help evaluate the situation and offer the best treatment possible in order to alleviate pain and ensure that the health of the affected tooth is fully restored. Here are some common dental emergencies and how to deal with them while waiting to be treated by an emergency dentist in Southgate.


A toothache is one of the most common reasons people visit an emergency dentist and can be indicative of various dental problems. If a toothache persists, visiting an emergency dentist in Southgate is the best thing to do. If there is swelling around the tooth, the toothache may be related to a tooth abscess. In other cases, the pain may be the symptom of a cavity or severe infection.

Knocked-out tooth

A knocked-out tooth is another common reason patients visit the emergency dentist. In this case, the sooner someone acts, the better their chances of saving their tooth. Upon losing a permanent tooth, rinse it with lukewarm water, being careful not to remove any tissue from the surface. Attempt to reposition the tooth into the socket, but if this is impossible, put it in a container of milk. The most successful re-implantation occurs when patients visit an emergency dentist within an hour of the accident.

Chipped and cracked teeth

Chipped and cracked teeth are not always painful. However, they can cause discomfort and for this reason, visiting an emergency dentist is the best course of immediate action. A chipped or cracked tooth will not only cause pain, but can also become infected. If a chipped or cracked tooth is not fixed in time, it can lead to tooth decay and tooth loss.

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