Sneaking Up on its Victims: Gum Disease in Perth

Dental Health and Oral Care

The trouble with gum disease in Perth is that it doesn’t like to make its presence known until it is well under way and needs quite a bit of work to get rid of. Sometimes people know they have gum disease but it doesn’t really seem like a big deal, until their teeth are starting to wobble around and possibly even fall out.

Far better to get gum disease in Perth under control, but if it has got out of hand, it’s good to know that there are dentists who make a dedicated career of out helping people get rid of gum disease.

What Exactly is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is caused by bacterial plaque. This is the sticky film that builds up on the teeth throughout the day, sometimes seeming to turn teeth furry feeling to the touch of the tongue. This is because these harmless mouth bacteria live on sugars in the mouth and if they have a really good feast then they can reproduce very quickly. Although the bacteria themselves do no harm, they give off acids that do. The acids do what all acids do and erode things.

Gingivitis: Early Stage Gum Disease

In the mouth, they first show up irritating and inflaming gum tissue. The gums get red, they swell up and they can start to bleed. If there is blood when brushing, think ‘gum disease’ and get to the dentist. The dentist can have a look and see if the gums are starting to pull away from the teeth, causing pockets. At this stage, gum disease is easily brought under control with a deep scale and polish to remove plaque, followed by a really diligent oral care routine.

Periodontitis: Advanced Gum Disease

If gum disease is allowed to progress, it gets into the pockets between the gums and the teeth and starts to attack the tooth roots, which have no enamel over them. The acids also start to attack the bone holding the teeth in place. Infection can take hold under the gums. Treatment is more complicated, involving the removal of infected tissue, planning back any erosion to create smooth surfaces again and also sewing the gums tightly back into place.

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