Volume Control: How Sound Amplifiers Help Seniors Hear Well

Old Woman Being Fitted With Hearing Aid

Your senses are an essential aspect of daily life. Every day, you interact with everything using all five. There are times, however, when one or more of them begin to weaken, affecting how you go about your day to day tasks.

Hearing, in particular, weakens most frequently. No surprise there, seeing as a lot of things around can affect your hearing – loud noises, illnesses, medication, and the inevitable aging.

Hearing Trouble for the Elderly

Age-related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis, is the progressive loss of hearing that occurs as people age. About 1 in 3 people between the ages 65 and 74 has a total hearing loss, while those 75 and above have difficulty hearing. It’s unavoidable.

Several factors contribute to hearing deterioration. Just to be sure, experts from Otofonix.com suggest visiting an otolaryngologist to determine the cause and provide appropriate resolutions.

There are ways to help them with their hearing problems. The most common are hearing aids and hearing amplifiers (PSAP).  Hearing amplifiers are new to the market, but they are proving to be a big help to those whose hearing impairment is not so severe as to need hearing aids. With hearing amplifiers, those who are hard of hearing can turn the volume up whenever they want to. Some hearing amplifiers reduce background noise.

PSAP (Personal Sound Amplification Products) Versus Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are the more commonly used device as they have been around for years. They are FDA approved and have many different types. As the severity of hearing loss is different per patient, their hearing aids are customized to fit them.

PSAPs are merely hearing amplifiers. They don’t need FDA approval and are available over the counter. These are already pre-programmed and are mass produced.

The most important difference between both devices is their cost. Hearing aids can go for about $4000 out-of-pocket, and insurance companies do not always cover them. PSAPs, however, cost significantly less and are available to anyone who needs help in hearing. Both get the job done.

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